Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Where your head at?

The title is appropriate in that my head is all over the place but also in the sense that I'm looking at some people going "What the?"

The school saga continues. It envelopes me. I've started dreaming about it. I wake up hopeful some days if it was a happy dream and others I literally start the day feeling sick to my stomach. The stress is now like a daily living thing. The more this goes on the more I feel like we are targeted. This isn't an issue of following policy or trying to stick to the rules. This feels like they are doing everything they can to keep Miss L out. I've spoken to friends, fellow teachers and Deputy Principals, therapists and Doctors and all of them have said they have never heard anything like it.

I look around our house now (we are renting) thinking I wish we had never moved. We had a rent inspection last week which added to the stress. We have owned our own home for 5 years and haven't had to be responsible to anyone else. We had our own space, a large house and room for everybody. Although this house is nice being a 2 story with all the bedrooms upstairs has meant a lot of disrupted nights. Moving put us under stress for a few months, especially financial and we thought we would be rewarded in the end....hasn't happened.

Although I enjoy being closer to school it's bitter sweet. I would never have moved and under such a tight deadline if I knew we wouldn't get a kindy spot anyway. Now I have started looking at the school in such a different light. If this is the leadership from admin how can it be a great school?  As good as the teachers may be and as well resourced as it is if they aren't going to accept Miss L, what now?!

It seems every few weeks the next challenge starts and anther slap in the face. After finding out last week that a family was moving and a spot was available......but given to another family...well that was like the last nail in the coffin. We were told we were first on the waiting list and have it in writing. Only to be told the school decided differently. Like this was their last chance to prove they were following rules and guidelines and here they are given the opportunity to let L have a spot and they don't.

We are following it up now but we are both so disheartened we know that they will not budge. They will likely come up with some guideline that says they can do it. After reading every policy document available and not finding anything I still don't have faith that they will do the right thing.

Today we had therapy and I told her therapists what the next development was. They have been following from the beginning and even though they deal with schools regularly they also haven't heard of a child being treated like L has. Schools have the option of saying they don't think they have the educational program to meet a special needs child but then they have to prove it and go before a school executive board. This is obviously the easier way.

Through the whole thing the school hasn't communicated with me at all. The principal hasn't bothered to explain his actions and the only time I hear anything is from the Education Department. So for now we wait for the final answer of why she wasn't given a spot and then we move forward.

Looking at L now I marvel at the changes she has made since we first enrolled her for kindy. She is eating small amounts of food regularly now. She is fully toilet trained. Says 3 to 4 word sentences and can be understood by most people. She uses sign and words together. I would love for the school to take the time and actually see her and recognise she is more than capable of starting school. Otherwise there is no way 2 teachers would be pushing as hard as we are.....

                         Miss L in February this year learning counting on her own. Age 2 yrs 10mths
Learning animal names and sounds at the same age.

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