Monday, September 8, 2014

The au pair has arrived!

So in between dealing with beurocracy, moving house and settling in the au pair arrived. After 3 months of searching I was so happy when we chose Petra. She is 18 from Finland here for 6 months. She was due to arrive Tuesday night but due to an 11 hour flight delay we picked her up Wednesday mrning. Miss L and I made the trip to the airport in the rain to meet her and L loved the aeroplanes. After travelling for 30 plus hours it must have been a relief to finally touch down in Perth.  Driving through Perth we had a chat about the main differences she could see. How small our trees are, most houses are single story and how different the terrain is.

After a quick bite to eat and a tour it was time to sleep. It was hard trying to figure out the best time to sleep to get over the jet lag without getting into a bad routine. After a few hours I snuck out quietly to do the school run. The 2 big kids were so excited that she was finally here. Petra woke up not long after we got home, no doubt due to the noise. While Mr J was straight in their talking away, Miss A stood back a bit and waited. Interesting to see the 2 different approaches.

After a short while A had warmed up and decided it was time to talk to Petra. It has been fun over the last few days watching how each child interacts with her. While it hasn't been the best timing with a new house and a new person moving in the kids handled it well. J and A both liked having a new person to talk to and it means each child can have an adult and no sharing!

For me it has been great to have a person with me during the day. L can be so exhausting and demanding another pair of hands and eyes is very helpful. L and Petra haven't really been alone yet but they do seem to get on well.

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