Monday, August 25, 2014

Moving Day

Well Friday was moving day. Otherwise known as hell on earth. Since Andrew and I got together we have moved so many times. I've moved while pregnant, with babies and toddlers. This move was the hardest of all. We had to move to get Miss L in area for her to get a kindy spot next year. We had an enrollment deadline to meet so we would be eligible. It meant a harried few weeks getting the house on the market and then it sold within 4 weeks. Then it was a slow, steady pack. On the day we had the in laws look after the dog but no one to have Miss L. Most people around were quite sick at the time too.
The truck arrived at 7:30am and the kids were hyped and excited. Instead of worrying about them being under foot I left early for school and just did a drive around. Around 9am I came back with Miss L. Only 2 days beforehand the washing machine had broken too so it was on the same day that the repairman was supposed to come. Oh and Miss L had a PMH appt too....

It was hard work directing the movers and keeping L safe. She kept trying to run onto the road, climb in the truck and generally get under foot. At the very end Miss L's highchair was loaded on last. Oh my Lordy the tears when she saw they were taking her chair!! She had no idea what was going on and was crying hysterically. In the end the truck left and we tried to settle her down. We barely got to the new house before the washing machine repair man called and said he was on his way to the old house....okay time to drive back.

I took Miss L so Andrew didn't have to worry about her meanwhile hoping they all put the furniture in the right rooms. The repairman was great and a quick easy job but it meant the washing machine was left behind for us to move. We were past lunch at this point and Miss L was tired and so ready for bed. It took a little longer for the truck to be unloaded and then came the fun job of putting the cot back together. Oh did I mention in the move that the beautiful sleigh side of the cot was cracked? Yep I'm standing in the driveway calling Boori explaining how it broke. So we had to safely remove the side then put it together while keeping Miss L safe. The new house is 2 story with all bedrooms upstairs. In the midst of doing the cot L decided to try out the stairs and nearly bumped her head. Thankfully they are carpeted. Andrew and I finished the cot and put L straight in for a sleep. By this time I had a pounding headache and was prepared to pay someone to unpack for me.

Needless to say it's not a happy thought that after all this effort in moving that we are only renting and will no doubt have to move again in a few years. An even unhappier thought that after moving just to get L into school we have been unsuccessful. We are appealing the decision but I can't say more until all is resolved.

I will never move with children again!!! We need a moving day child care service :)

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