Sunday, September 1, 2013

A busy fortnight

Well the last 2 weeks have been busy to say the least. Miss L got her diagnosis of Ehlers-Danlos and had an MRI. An IEP meeting for Miss A. Parent interview with Mr J's teacher and all of us being sick. Ot feels like the fog is just starting to lift now. ...

When things get busy and I get stressed it's like I look at things day to day. I don't even want to know what is coming up and I focus on what's in front of me.

While having a diagnosis for Miss L was good it meant I had to learn some things. I spent time reading up on it and learning what changes we had to make.  It also raised the question do we have Miss A checked out as well? I've spent the last week thinking of that and talking to her therapists.

Then we had her school meeting and planning for the rest of the year. I'm still not satisfied that her school is doing all they should.

So in the midst of my tired sick fog I had big decisions to make and I had to look forward.  Just what I try to avoid.

Oh well things are moving forward and looking up.

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