Monday, July 1, 2013

What a week....

Last week was full of emotions and endings.... I really feel that it helped close a chapter of my life, meaning my focus is back on track, with family being my number 1. I am not going to blog about everything that went down, as for me that wouldn't be a positive, it would only mean stepping back. For my readers you will know my honesty in posting about my Mother and what ended our relationship and after last week that door has been closed. She has shown me the true person she is to the depth of her core. Yet I have walked away from this feeling positive and happy. I have had some good outcomes including many family members speaking to me and asking to hear the truth, they are supporting me 100%. I sincerely hope that this is the end of it all even thought I'm sure at one point or another it will come up again.

What I did get out of last week was a sense of strength in myself. I was faced with going to the police and making a statement about my abuse and chronicling years and years of events. Over the years I was threatened emotionally and physically and told many times what would happen to me if I spoke out. The strength to make that report came from having support around me and a few years of therapy ;)

The police officer was amazing and after making my statement and leaving I felt lighter and more relaxed. I know now that I can manage no matter what happens from here on in. My husband has been an amazing support over the years but last week he showed me the depth of that support and unconditional love. However strong I was in standing up and speaking out he was by my side the whole time.

Being a survivor of abuse doesn't affect just me. It comes with a history and a fall out that will play a part in my life forever. For now I look at my children and vow to never let that happen to them. I look in concern at my younger brother who doesn't have that protection :( I hope that every parent who hears a story of abuse spoken by a survivor takes a moment to think how they can protect their children. Do you know the warning signs? Would you listen if they spoke out?

That's all I ever wanted.....someone to listen and believe.

1 in 5 children will be subjected to sexual abuse before the age of 18. Imagine how many kids that is in your street, in you childs' class, in your extended family. is standing up and raising awareness. Please visit the site and donate. $1 can make a difference.
Check out their $1 cosmetics as you can buy a product and the money goes to Braveheart, win/win!
$1 cosmetics campaign

A blog from Seven Cherubs on protecting your children:

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