Wednesday, January 30, 2013

A few steps forward, a step back...

While I have been so excited to see Miss L walking I have also been watching how she walks. She has a wide gait, which means she walks like a cowboy getting off the horse. Her hips are loose so they stay further apart. Her feet bang down hard with every step. She doesn't walk slowly she seems to build up steam then run for it. Every few minutes she bangs down hard on her bottom. So hard that after a week it was black and blue. Literally. Every little chubby cheek was shades of blue, black and yellow.

So today when I took her to physio I waited....and watched. The physio started asking me questions particuarly about how many times she falls. She said the loose hips were normal for her, the hypermobile joints. The tummy out, bowed back posture was normal as she strengthened her tummy muscles. The forward rushing was just her momentum properlling her forward. It was the sudden dropping that had her worried. Sometimes she has a vague look when it happens. Then she laughs and picks herself up, like she is shaking it off. The physio was worried about seizures...could she be having minor seizures which stop her concentraing and she loses control and falls? It could be nothing or it could be something to investigate.

So although today started off with me walking into that appointment so proud and happy it ended with me having more questions. I now have to video Miss L walking to show the therapists and the neuro.

So we are thinking positive. She has low tone and low core strength so maybe it's just that, right?

                                              Almost falling but manages to pick herself up.


  1. Hey, just came across your blog - Hoping for the best for the cute little Miss L! It's good you're keeping an eye on things, in any case. Your family sounds like a crazy, fun adventure every day! If you are interested, I recommend checking out CP Family Network for all kinds of cerebral palsy-related resources. Hope you find it helpful - good luck to you and your family!

  2. Thanks Rhonda it's already on my bookmark list ;)
    Glad you like the blog and thanks for reading.
