Thursday, May 30, 2013

Too good at keeping it together?

Is there such a thing as being good at keeping it together?
I have found over the last year and a bit that the more I hold it in and the better a face I put on it, the worse it gets. I was asking for help when we were financially strapped and got nothing. Zip. Then after a few months when stress was really getting to me and Miss A wasn't coping I lost my shit a few times and spoke to a few people bluntly and things started to change. For a while Miss A wasn't getting therapy and we had no home help and then I spoke up. We had funded daycare so I could take L to appointments. We had blocks of therapy arranged and a social worker helping with her behaviour and sleep.
Funny how they step up when you really let them know what is happening.
It seems that in the world of special needs kids holding it together just prevents you from getting help. The squeaky wheel gets the grease.....or so they say.
Well now after a really shitty week of 3 meltdowns, 2 at school I seem to be back to the same place. Months of no therapy and very little assistance and I'm left holding the ball. The school meeting for A went well but when they said do you get this or have you tried this it was all "no". I made me realise the support network around her has dropped again. We are doing too much at home and paying for private help when she therapists available and they aren't helping. So now to send a lovely to the point email asking specifically for the help we need. First job tomorrow-mailing off our paperwork for respite.
No matter how well I keep it all in and hold us all together Miss A needs more help than I alone can give.
                                             Meltdown No3 this week. The weather matches her mood.

1 comment:

  1. Scream and shout and cry and jump up and down until you get what you are entitled too and what you need.

    You're doing amazingly and no, you don't need to hold it all together! You're allowed to show you're struggling and need help... We all are

