Monday, September 10, 2012

Busy planning

At the moment I am so busy planning....
I've gone back to setting reminders on my phone with an alarm. Lists aren't doing it anymore as I lose track of what has been done. I am planning J's 6th birthday in 2 weeks, our trip to Melbourne and getting some jobs done around the house.
So far we have managed a few jobs around the house and a few things off the list. I'm trying to sort the birthday party first before worrying about Melbourne as once I get started with that it will be a never ending job.
High chair
Oh the list goes on. Today though I managed to get a bargain pram for $20 off Gumtree ready to travel. I then spent a few hours in the afternoon making a nice liner to fit in it.
One more thing to cross off the list.
So traveling with 3 kids- what should I prepare myself for?


  1. A Maclaren Quest.
    Such a bargain and I won't care if it gets trashed in the plane.
