Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The good and the bad

We had a relatively good day yesterday. I remember saying to Andrew before bed that we had a pretty OK day and that Miss A wasn't too bad. She is going through some new techniques to help her sleep at the moment, including an Actiwatch, weighted blanket and a weighted toy.
Acitwatch details
So last night when she wet the bed at 2am I knew it would affect her behaviour today. She only allows me to get up to her so we had to change the bed and put new pyjamas on. In the morning I filled in the sleep diary that goes with the watch. So off we go to school and she seems to be ok even though it's a miserable wet day. We had no appointments today (the only day in this fortnight) so I had plans to get some food shopping done and some housework. Well that was ruined when we went into the first shop. A was already skipping around and singing at the top of her voice. When she gets loud I know she is doing it on purpose and to get a reaction. When we got into the next shop we were looking for toys for Miss L when A disappeared. I was calling her name and she didn't answer. I try not to panic and think she has run out of the shop but I'm walking up and down every aisle when I found her. She is very smart, very switched on. She often scares me with how she gets things. She knows I will get upset if she is lost and she will often hide behind things and giggle. She won't even answer if she hears me.
Well I picked her up and we went home. That is when she got upset crying that she wanted her custard. She is obsessed at the moment with the custard that babies have:
When I said we were leaving she obviously figured she wasn't getting and custard in the food shopping. Well she threw herself to the floor. She had trolleys wizzing by her head, because nowadays people don't even think to watch for kids. I had to try and pick her up and make sure she was ok. Then she threw herself down again. I said I would count to 3 and if she wasn't up she would go to bed when we got home. She got up at 2. We walked to the lift where she froze and I had to drag her in. She started kicking in the lift and refused to get out. I picked her up and carried her to the car. I had L in the pram so she was safe and then I had to force A into her car seat where she started spitting at me.

So much for a good day, hoping it gets better.

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