Monday, July 30, 2012

15 months old- Miss L

I can't believe that Miss L is now 15 months old. She has achieved so much in the last 2-3 months and can now:
Eat one solids meal a day with at least one snack in the morning
Sit unassisted without wobbling
Move from being on her tummy to sitting up
While sitting climb into your lap
Eat small pieces of bread and softer foods
Drink 3 bottles of milk a day
Starts to respond to signs with smiles and mouth movements
Makes sounds ma/ba/da
Puts her arms up to be picked up
Makes eye contact when talked to
Waves when you hold her arm
New tooth on the bottom left
Has grown 2cm in length and is growing out of her 000 wondersuits
2cm head growth (in circumference)
7.2kg over 1kg weight gain
Such huge achievements for a girl who was never supposed to do any of that!

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