Wednesday, July 11, 2012


When I am having ones of those reflective days I try to look at the good things, to see what has changed and really appreciate where I am. Not in the sense of a negative "I'm glad we only have this to deal with and not a life threatening medical condition" or "at least it's not cancer" Some comments I have heard over the past few months.
For me I like to look at where my kids were and how they have grown.

J was one sick reflux baby who never slept. He was breastfed and for nearly 6 months he fed every 2 hours. Then I met an amazing lactation consultant that stretched him to every 4 hours. Now at 6 he is my only child who sleeps without a fuss, day or night. He will still sleep in the afternoon if tired.

                       At 5 months old he was just starting his medication and beginning to sleep.

                                                 Now- my gorgeous grown up boy.

As for Miss A, although she has challenged me the most she makes me so proud. Her determination to do things means she will never fall behind. She can climb, skip and jump better than most kids her own age. She loves to eat and even though as a baby she was classed as failure to thrive I no longer worry about food. She is forever moving and nearly always happy. She loves attention and thrives on meeting new people. I know that she will do well at kindergarten because she wants to please her teachers and she wants to be the same as everybody. She is the one urging her brother to climb the tree, to go on the rollercoaster and to jump in puddles. She balances out his caution with her sense of freedom. From a tiny unhappy baby who was being tested for everything under the sun to a confident, beautiful, self-assured 4 year old who already acts like a young lady.

For Miss L the changes have been so quick. From being told she may never walk, may never eat and her brain damage may never change. She so quickly adapted to taking a bottle leaving the feeding tube behind. To taking solids within a matter of months. From laying on her back to now being able to sit and trying so desperately to crawl. Everyday I look at her and think wow she learns something new everyday. Her body is trying so desperately to catch up. She is making ma,ba,da sounds and I can't wait to hear her first word. My little baby will soon be a toddler.

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