Thursday, July 25, 2013

A few days in Jurien Bay

Over the 2 week holiday break we managed to get away for a few days with another family. It was a last minute decision as some friends asked if we could get away on the school holidays and they were only a few weeks away. I picked Jurien Bay as it's an area I'm familiar with and is close by.My Grandparents retired to Green Head which is 30 minutes from Jurien Bay so I spent many years of my holidays up there :) Gorgeous beaches and a great place to go with the kids. Even though it was winter the weather was really nice so it was good timing.

Jurien Bay- website

Before going on any holiday we prepare the kids especially Miss A. Since we went to Melbourne the kids understand a bit more about what a "holiday" actually is. I explained we were driving and not flying this time. That we had rented a house but it was only for a few days and we come back to our house. That another family would stay with us but again it was only a few days. The more we talked about the holiday the more excited they became.

Saturday we were finally packed and ready to go. I can't believe how much stuff we had to take for only 2 nights. Linens, food, clothes, towels, dinner, toys, milk, get the idea. Jaxx was dropped off at the kennel, another thing we had to explain. Our friends came to our place and off we went. I changed the car seats around so J was in the 3rd row and the girls separated in the middle. I got the kids settled put a new movie on, Tangled, and off we went. We stopped on the way at Lancelin and bought coffee and icecream....

When we got to the house the kids straight away claimed their room and set about emptying their suitcases and making a mess. No different to being at home then right? The first day we arrived around 3pm and took a bit of time setting ourselves up. The house had a big backyard so we had cricket, football and bubbles all set up. It was all going well until bed time when Mr J came out with a temperature and feeling unwell. Lucky our friends had Panadol with them, so with a dose of that and a cold towel he finally fell asleep.
Day 2 was sunny and beautiful. We took a trip to the beach and walked around but it was way too cold to swim, although that wouldn't have stopped my kids.
We then went off for a drive to Green Head to check out how it had changed since I saw it last over 7 years ago. The town had certainly grown with more houses but now less shops. They have gorgeous beaches but not much to do for little kids. Mr J and I enjoyed exploring the rocky hidden paths between the bays.

The following day it was all over again and time to clean up and pack away. The kids really seemed to enjoy themselves and liked having other kids around the whole time. Miss A coped really well with no meltdowns and she only got upset at lunch but soon got over it. Miss L loved getting into all sorts of trouble in another house and Mr J enjoyed all the physical activity and the fact there were more boys than girls!
Coming home I think we were all tired and looking forward to being in our own beds. I didn't sleep as well as we had Miss L in our room and she was noisy.
After a positive experience though it made me want to try again.....more successful than flying was anyway.

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