Tuesday, May 15, 2012

One of those days

Just to skip forward a bit....
today was one of those days. One that explains the title of the blog.
The little things.
They can be good or bad. They can make or break my day.
Today was not a good day.
Miss A can be very stubborn and determined and her mood often sets the tone for my day. She insists on dressing herself which can be an adventure and often a cause of stress.
Last night I was up with Miss L who woke at 4am. Very unusual for her and she couldn't resettle. Dad forgot to put the sleeping bag on her so she was cold and her teeth were bothering her. 20 mins of cuddles with me and a bit of nurofen later and she still wasn't happy. We gave her a bottle of milk around 5am and went back to bed.
By 6:30am I could hear the other 2 playing. They know not to get up until we do which is usually 7am but if they are up early I pay for it later with 2 tired kids.
After doing the school run we had to go to the shops, just the 3 girls. Miss A seemed okay as I explained our day and what we were doing. She needs to know ahead of time what is happening.
Barely 20 mins in and she has discovered a new game. Lets hide in the clothes at Target and not listen when Mum calls our name. Miss A has always been a runner and at least I see her or hear her laughing but today she hid quietly as I panicked walking from aisle to aisle. I eventually found her and gave her the lecture of her life. Well let the tears begin! She starts crying "Daddy, Daddy". Me "If Daddy saw what you were doing he would be so upset!" Nope she still cries for Daddy. Convenient.
So off we go and a few minutes later she runs to the Barbie aisle. Did I not just ask you to stay with me? Seriously?!
Then she starts asking me for a lollipop as we go to pay. Loud enough that everyone in the line has a nice smile on their face as she cries but I want one! No A you were hiding from me. But I want one....and on it went until a few minutes later she calmed down with the promise of her salad sandwich for lunch.
Yep her number fav at the moment and probably the only 3 year old that would stop crying so she could have her salad sandwich-who needs a lollipop now?
We head off the next shop and at least Miss L is asleep in the pram. Miss A starts dragging her feet again and then just stopping. I turn and find her lying on the ground, a little tired maybe? It's not even 10am.
We finally after nearly 2 hours finish what would have been a 10 min job for me, if I was alone.
We get in the car ready to see the Feeding team at PMH.
Miss L had her milk in the pram and is very tired and Miss A is very happy to sit and eat her sandwich.
As we set off for the 40min drive I notice her nodding off while trying to eat her sandwich. It's 12pm.
We get there early for our 1pm appointment but Miss L is still tired and now Miss A needs the toilet.
Just a little thing the toilet right?
Not for a child with sensory processing disorder...combined with her CP she has developed a fear of the toilet. Strange for a child that trained early.
She has difficulty holding on and balancing. She wants a clean toilet. No marks anywhere or dirt. It can't look old or stained.
She has been known to hold on for 7 hours until we got home just so she could use our toilet. At the moment we have a process- she checks it is clean. I wipe the seat with paper. She flushes the paper. She talks to herself, the toilet is all clean and I'm not going to fall in am I Mummy?
She sits on and I hold onto her. Sometimes if she is a bit iffy she asks me to go first, just in case.
She hops off as soon as possible and only wipes once off. Too hard to balance otherwise.
So lucky we were early today.
We meet with the Speech and Occupation Therapist in the feeding team. The OT is new and different to who we have been seeing. The Speech is great and has prepared the room with toys for Miss A.
Miss L is tired and really not in the mood to cooperate.
We discuss our week so far as I had a visit with our private Paed yesterday- that's another blog post.
They want to see Miss L tasting her food so they sit her in the Tumbleform which looks like this-

A fancy highchair style seat that position her correctly to eat.
Once in the chair we try some rice sticks.

These are great because they melt in the mouth. Like rice bubbles or cruskits. This is the first time she has tried one and she loves the strong flavour of the chicken.
She sucks one stick halfway down and keeps it down! Yes she swallowed some food. This is a first for her except for an accidental swallow of a biscuit bit. Such a huge step forward and everyone is very excited.
We talked about how to move her forward in her highchair as she is so skinny she barely reaches the tray, even as forward as it goes.

She knows when she sits in the highchair it is time to try food!
So after playing and eating for an hour it is time to go.
Nearly 2pm we leave and take the drive to get J from school. Miss A of course crashes in the car and finally falls asleep and Miss L goes a bit slower. I get to school with 30 minutes to spare so I drove around a bit as Miss L woke the minute the car stopped. When 3pm hit I got Miss L out and tried to wake Miss A. With her CP she is very uncoordinated when tired or just woken. She almost falls out of the car and then starts moaning to be picked up. I ask her to use her words but no luck. She just grunts and moans. As I am holding Miss L it is impossible to pick her up too. We get almost to the classroom when she refuses to move. I finally manage to get her on my hip and Miss L on the other. Miss A is not small and weighs nearly 16kg so it is hard work. When we get there she has a mini meltdown.
She is thirsty and wants a drink.
What from J's bottle?
No my bottle.
It's in the car. but I want it.
and on and on it goes.
We get J and leave straight away and now she wants food. OK we will go home and eat, no now. She gets to the stairs and refuses to move. Another Mum comes along who knows Alyssa and helps her up the stairs. We struggle to the car and drive home.
When we get there J undoes her seat belt and I hear an almighty scream.
She is crying uncontrollably. Apparently he bumped her when he undid it.
That was enough.
Meltdown time. Sensory overload.
I get her inside and give her crackers.
She settles down and eats. All is quiet.
By this time my back is killing, my ears are ringing and I have had enough. Non stop since 4am I am done.
Hubby works until 5:30pm on Tuesdays and I just want him home. Put Miss L to bed and she cries and cries. Her bottom is red raw and blistered at the moment as she adjusts to taking Pediasure. We hop in the lukewarm shower- thanks Solar and wash her down. We have been sick with a cold and it seems to have hit her too. Slightly snotty nose but no temp. The bottom is horrible. Little white blisters, open sores and bleeding. Thought she does enjoy the shower. I look at the clock and it's only 4pm, I am ready to snap!
Go to put her to bed and see hubby didn't change the sheets and it seemed she threw up this morning. Put her on the floor and change the sheets and put her to bed. While doing all this J and A have snuck into the kitchen and demolished an entire packet of rice crackers.
That is it- enough is enough.
They are now in time out it's 5:30pm no dinner and I have messaged hubby- we are having take away pizza.
Now for me-breathe. For you if you have read it all-congrats :)
Hope your day went better than mine.

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