Monday, May 14, 2012

A hospital stay....

Our paedeatrician spoke to Princess Margaret Hospital and asked if we could be admitted for further testing. Even having private hospital cover didn't make a difference. The children's hospital was the only place with all the specialists we needed and of course they didn't have a bed. Home to wait for the call to say we would be admitted. While this was going on there was a lot of background.... My oldest boy J was at full time Pre Primary and I had Miss A at 3 year old kindy 2 days a week. Miss A relies on routine and knowing what is happening ahead of time. She didn't mind the rush of doctors visits and being on the go as long as she had warning. Mr J was lucky enough to miss most of it. My family had chosen this time to cause massive problems which I was given no choice over, I had to walk away. They no longer had a role in my life or my kids. There goes my support system and the grandparents. A few days later on Thursday we got the call around 1pm. I felt like part of me knew it was going to be that day. I had organized a bag already and done the washing to be prepared. I had spent the afternoon with Miss A having a fun day at Ellenbrook Water Playground. Just her and I with Miss L having a little splash. I was on the way home when I got the call. Come in as soon as you can, they said. Well I rang my husband at work to let him know, drove to my sons school and picked him up early. I had told the teacher ahead of time that we we waiting on the call to make life easier. We raced home and packed a suitcase for Miss L and I. As she was fully breastfed there was no discussion on who was staying. Hubby came home and asked his parents to take the older kids so we could go on our own. Well a few problems there and we need up taking them. Just when you need the help, you get let down.


  1. :( to your family looking foward to following your and Miss L story

  2. When I see you post on OMG last week, I did not know what has happened, was want to say something, but no word could be said. I will keep reading your story, heart and thought goes out to you Xxx
