Monday, May 12, 2014

New term, new goals

So with Term 2 starting I had new goals in mind.

 I wanted the au pair search finished and sorted.
 I wanted therapy for Miss A and Miss L to start again.
 I wanted Miss A to be settled into school.
 I wanted to be more organised at home.

Last term was frenetic even in my terms. With Miss L sick I was truly living day to day. I was thinking with Miss A at school full time this year would run smoother. Instead I spent weeks stressing about Miss L's health and rushing back and forth to hospital. Now this is when I need an au pair. Unfortunately most of the European girls start when their school year finishes in July. So now we're in the process of interviewing and emailing applicants. It's hard enough attracting an au pair when you have 3 kids when you throw special needs into the mix it really limits you. After Skyping 3 girls and having 3 turn us down I'm losing hope :(

So this term along with my au pair search I'm trying to be more organised. I'm cooking food for lunch boxes ahead of time, filing paperwork, emailing therapists and generally keeping on top of things. With 2 at school we seem to get daily notes and permission slips. Trying to remember library day and news day times 2! I am definitely not a naturally organised person except when teaching so I have had to train myself in order remain sane. I have added to our little cube system this year and have put clipboards up for notes and school info. It has certainly saved me more than once.

After sitting down inn the holidays and realising the lack of therapy for both girls I sent off an email asking what is happening. With all of Miss L's medical appointments her specialists were asking hat she had been doing. The answer is nothing. Apart from help organising her fluroscopy we haven't had regular sessions at all. As for Miss A we had her plan drawn up, the OT went to her school and then nothing. Neither the teacher nor I even heard what the OT did. Then with follow up emails I'm told they are changing their systems and we will have new therapists. No reason or excuse for not seeing up for 10 weeks though....

So with term 2 settling in things have settled with L's health but it6 feels like a ticking time bomb is sitting on my shoulder. Why you ask? Well this teeny tiny girl in nappies who drinks milk from a bottle is supposed to be at school next year. In fact on Friday our school sent home the enrollment notes!! She hasn't even been to 3 year old kindy yet :O

So needless to say that is stressing me out as I plan for thee next few months and think of what will be coming next year.

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