Saturday, August 3, 2013

Hidden away

Lately as life gets busier again and life moves on it feels like I am getting lost. I find out about things people are doing and feel left out. I have family members welcoming me back while others walk right by me without acknowledgment. Now that Miss L is on the move even having a conversation is hard. My time is so limited it is hard to squeeze things in and time for myself had gone out the window. Lately it feels like there is such an imbalance. Life as a special needs Mum is hard. It is such a balancing act to meet the needs of your kids and remember there is still Mr J who needs time and attention. Then there is Andrew who wants to see me and spent time with me while I am tired and just needing a break. Friends are in the background and they are even harder to connect with.

After talking to other Mums in a similar situation they have told me how friends and even family have walked away as it's too hard. They don't get out alone so their friends don't want to see them. Or their kids are too hard work so they stop visiting. No one offers to babysit anymore and all of a sudden you wake up one day and don't remember when you last went out or had someone call.

I try so hard not to make that happen. I organize events at school and message my friends when ever I can. Even so weeks can go by and you feel like you're hidden away....

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