Friday, June 15, 2012

Why the F word isn't always enough...

Yesterday started off poorly.
A wet the bed and didn't even wake up after- says how tired she is. I woke up at 2am as the dog was knocking things off the table and I struggled to get back to sleep.
We were both tired and not wanting to get up.
After I had eaten breakfast I had to tie up A's hair as she had kindy that day.
Even on a good day brushing her hair is an ordeal. She cried when I got a knot then the next one she lost it.
She cried, yelled, stomped her feet then ran away.
By this point I was holding my head thinking I need to go back to bed, it wasn't even 8am yet.
A then played around with her toast and Flashy thought it was for her- the dog ate her toast.
Crying again.
She started to pack her bag when J yells Flashy has her lunch! Sure enough the dog had her lunch bag and was trying to eat it. Crying again. I left her to calm down.
I brushed my teeth and A followed me in so I tried again to tie up her hair but she just screamed in my ear. That was my snapping point.
    The scream in your ear the pierces into your brain; that snaps any self control; it makes you want  to  yell stop!
I put her in time out and walked out. I hid in my bathroom and took some deep breaths. It wasn't enough.
I thought about some really good swear words in my head. I felt better.
I went out and spoke to her and she calmed down enough in between sobbing to say she wanted to go to kindy. Well guess what sweetie so did I!
We drove off to kindy and A got out of the car. She wanted to put her backpack but the arm kept twisting, it wouldn't work. She yelled, screamed and threw it to the floor.
By this point 3 other parents were watching the show but I didn't care.
Any sense of embarrassment was cured by my anger and frustration.
I put her into time out while waiting for kindy to open and she just bared her teeth and growled at me. I got close and she hit me then tried to bite me.
Sensory meltdown was on its way.
Lucky the doors opened and we went in. I had to carry A who was still crying I put her in the corner for time out and unpacked her bag. While in time out she banged her head so the teacher picked her up for cuddles. That was what she needed, tight cuddles. I had a chat to her and then said goodbyes. She was more settled but no way was she leaving her teachers arms.
I then took J to school and took a breath. The stress of getting him to school before the siren was over and it was me and L.
I went to the shop bought myself a coffee and a new book. I decided no house cleaning no jobs it was me time. L went to bed and I rang the car yard. Our Voyager had an electronic sliding door that hadn't worked properly in a year and it goes in to get fixed every few months. I told them last week this was their last chance to fix out. Standing in the pouring rain while trying to open a door and juggle  a baby was not fun.
He said he would call me by Monday- it was Thursday and I was calling him.
He didn't have the parts so he hadn't rung? OK now breathe. Don't yell at him. No I didn't yell I just said I would F'n this and F'n that a lot and did that help him understand my level of frustration and anger? As so far talking to him nicely had gotten me no where.
Got off the phone and looked around- just me and the dog. So I said aloud what I was feeling and then started reading my book, time to escape.
It wasn't even an hour and it was time to get A from kindy. I was meeting a friend at the shop so we went straight there. Miss A ran away, tried to go down the escalators and tried hopping on a ride all in the 2mins I was on the phone with the car yard.
Yes she was tired and yes this was a mistake.
We sat down to eat and she settled by watching Peppa Pig. Thank God for iPhones.
After that it was time to go.
Miss A thought she would get on the travelator then get off. Lucky my friend went back up and got her and they came down together. Now we just had to get to the car in one piece.
We buckled in and I said a few more choice words under my breath. I was tired and very cranky.
We did the drive through pick up at school and I rang hubby to say the car yard was coming around at 4pm to drop off the loaner and pick ours up.
So on his first earlyish day all week, when all I wanted to do was go back to bed I pulled 3 car seats out of my car and waited. 4:15pm and they called to say they were leaving...
The car arrived with the junior mechanic and it was tiny. 3 seats would not fit in there. A phone call back and they had no answer. The manager was in a job interview and they had no idea. By 5:30pm they sent the guy back and I waited. It was dark and wet and I had to put car seats in some car either way. Finally they found something at 6pm but I had to drive and collect it.
I come home with a Dodge/Chryler Sebring.
In the carport with no room as I'm trying to avoid the rain I squish in the 3 seats. It is 7pm. On seat in particular was a pain and that was it. I was F$&&%#@ ing all over the place.  This Fn piece of shit car seat that wont Fn go where I want to it who Fn has to deal with this amount of crap in one day!
My husband takes a step back and tells me to calm down. Now love if I wasn't calm I would have thrown something.
This is just verbal expression.
It didn't do much to relieve the stress it was too high at this point.
I go inside to pack myself for the next day and find a packet of Extra chewing gum strewn across my room. Someone had eaten 6 pieces.
Here's Mummy on a rampage!!!
Sort out the kids for bed and put myself to bed. I took the 80g block of fundraiser chocolate out of the fridge and ordered a Do not Disturb. Hubby didn't notice; the Eagles were on TV so he was occupied.

I ended up reading until 11:30pm so I could finish the book and because I couldn't sleep with so many thoughts in my head.

Today was a day that from the begining was doomed.

Let's hope you managed to get all the way to the end...

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