Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Who me?

Before becoming a Mum I didn't spend ages getting ready in the morning, I barely wore make up and I loved to sleep in and read all night.

Oh how things have changed...
Over the last 6 months it has been hitting home how much of "me" has been lost. I turned 30 in November last year and I was shopping for a birthday dress that fit my new size, that covered me, and I went with 3 little ones!
I always said I would finish having my kids by the time I was 30 and L snuck in by a few months. I guess it was not long after my birthday that we started the rounds of Drs to get some answers for L. A few times in between I had dinners and events to go to and it wasn't until a few days beforehand that I considered I had nothing to wear...not the usual thing I say :) But seriously I either had nice evening clothes, dresses worn to weddings or jeans. Nothing in between. Makeup was even worse. When I go out I do enjoy putting  make up but over the years I had stopped buying it. My foundation was bought for my wedding in 2006, the eye shadows had all broken and no lipsticks suited me anymore.
After this happened to me again yesterday I really began to ponder who am I? As a Mum I have a very defined role which has been shaped by my ideals and values but as me I feel like I've been frozen in time.
My hubby loves to remind me of things I used to do or say...well that was a few years ago now.
I have put weight on with each baby and I really hate it! I do my clothes shopping while out with kids and find things at Target and Big W as they have change rooms which fit a pram... sad!
I eat while on the run or go out all day and don't eat. I feed my kids organic snacks and sandwiches and sit and drink a cappuccino.
I have been slowly letting go of the things that used to mean something to me.
I have been putting me so far down the list that it's falling off the page.

So I am making changes...slow changes.
I have been making an effort at seeing my friends more and having adult conversations with them. Planning night outs without kids.
Going clothes shopping on my own- last weekend was the first time I had been physically out and alone in over a year.
I am eating healthy and just plain eating.
I am avoiding take away even if everyone else is eating it.
I have been to the gym with a friend and we are going again tomorrow. We go to a 6am class as we both have 3 kids and this way husbands are home to watch them.
Hard work getting up in winter to exercise! Yes I even had to go shopping to buy gym clothes.
I am trying to take 30minutes a day, even if it's just for blogging, to do something about or for me.
I am so going to buy some makeup so I can go out and feel like an adult for once.
I will slowly start buying clothes that aren't from department stores- hopefully soon in a size smaller.
I will go out alone- including to the hairdressers.
I will spend time with my husband as a couple and child free :)
Well a girl can dream right?

How have you held onto your sense of self since becoming a Mum?

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