Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Where Miss L is now:

Today was our meeting with the development team. It isn't the same team of therapists we normally see except for the OT.
There was a developmental Paediatrician, Occupational therapist, Speech therapist, Physiotherapist.
The Paediatrician saw us first for an hour as she did the Griffiths test for development. A has been having these for years so I know a little bit about them.
The test was then followed up by further testing the by the 3 other therapists together.
They looked at L in all areas like:
Sub-scale A: Locomotor: Gross motor skills including the ability to balance and to co-ordinate and control movements.
Sub-scale B: Personal-Social: Proficiency in the activities of daily living, level of independence and interaction with other children.
Sub-scale C: Language: Receptive and expressive language.
Sub-scale D: Eye and Hand Co-ordination: Fine motor skills, manual dexterity and visual monitoring skills.
Sub-scale E: Performance: Visuospatial skills including speed of working and precision.
Sub-scale F: Practical Reasoning: ability to solve practical problems, understanding of basic mathematical concepts and understanding of moral issues.

At the end we had a break while they all got together and scored the results.
This didn't come as much of a surprise but they ranked her as a 6month old baby while she is currently 13months.
While we have seen improvement since coming home from hospital we knew she was still stuck around that mark. She now sits independently but is a bit wobbly and doesn't get there herself, I sit her up.
Her not eating bought the scale down for the Personal-Social side as that is a big milestone.
For coordination she isn't quite holding 2 objects at the same time and doesn't bang things together.

At the end of the meeting we had a talk with the social worker who was fantastic! The first person I have met that really knew her job and she told us about some great organisations that can help us.
That will be my next blog post. It seemed no matter how much I Googled I never found this out.

So now we wait.....we see them again when she is 18months old and we see how far she has progressed, the real sign of change :)


  1. Hiya, isn't it a blessing when you finally find a professional who knows their stuff!? It is a breath of fresh air when you finally know what's next :)


  2. It certainly lets you relax a bit knowing your in good hands :)
