Friday, July 18, 2014

Happy Birthday Miss A

Well between selling the house, end of term and Miss A's birthday I haven't had much time to blog.
The last few weeks of term didn't go well with Miss A. She was so anxious when I left in the morning and she was struggling socially as well. I know most of the other parents don't even release it  but I get so upset in the morning when they wave goodbye and leave yet I have a struggling girl who has to be peeled off me. In the end I kept reminding her that her birthday was coming up. She had a positive thing to focus on.

For her birthday I got Miss A a mix of practical and fun. She got a new school bag and drink bottle which she loved. Also a new dress which hasn't come off for 3 days. Another fav was a Frozen dress up which she and L share. She also got some craft play, bowling set and a Barbie. I try and sneak in therapy related items that we can do too. The bowling set is one which her physio uses and is great for balance when throwing the ball and fine motor for holding it.

For her birthday on the Saturday we had family over but Sunday was home open again. It meant it was easier to have an outside party instead of one at home. The only pain was losing the freedom to control it. Miss A wanted a disco party and for a sensory girl that would be a challenge.

In the end we all made it through but Miss A faced a few challenges...
she didn't win any prizes or was made to feel special by the staff
the noise and lights bothered her after a few hours
she had a mini meltdown and had to have a timeout before we could do cake.

Both Andrew and I agreed it didn't suit her and we wouldn't do it again. I'm glad she wanted to try but there was no time for her to sit with her friends or just have quiet time.

She loved getting home and opening her presents and most of all she loved having us there to celebrate turning 6!

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