Thursday, December 19, 2013

So it is real

After discussing Miss L's eating for ages her therapists decided we needed a specialised high chair. Her OT booked the appt and off we went to the Independent Living Centre to pick one. Most were too big for L so I was happy when we tried the Rifton. It is an activity chair so it can be used for everything not just eating.  I went home happy we had found something and moved on.

Then a month later the company bought a display model to our house to check the size. L wasn't very cooperative that day but we managed. That was about 6 weeks ago....

I got the call to say the chair was available and I was so happy as we just got our new dining table.  The physio was here today when it got delivered. We saw the multitude of ways to adjust it and L was so happy to get in. Complete turnaround.  When they left I was staring at this huge new chair in the middle of the lounge room and it hit. It was like a smack in the face.  We have a special needs child.  One who doesn't eat. One who needs this peice of equipment.  Even the ng feeding tube didn't affect me like this. She was sick then we knew she was going to get better. This to me was like an announcement that this is our life. No getting better. No catching up. For nearly 2 years we have barely improved on Miss L's eating and we need this high chair.

When Andrew got home I showed him how it works and how L fits in it. After a minute he said it made it real. Like we have such a specialised peice of equipment and it's in your face.  I was surprised that we were on the same page and felt the same way.

I think we get so caught up in the day to day and surviving nwe forget the bigger picture.  Plus we are so positive and focused on the improvements we forget why she has delays and problems....

Now to adjust and see what improvements it brings.

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