I used to love and hate Fridays. I used to work so it meant a day away from the kids and sending them to daycare. A positive and a negative. It also means the weekend is near and help is coming!
Now Friday means I'm tired and so are the kids. J is slower to get ready for school, he gives me attitude in spades! This morning I had to put him in time out before even getting into class. He was so rude to me and telling me where to go in. 6 year old way. I must have used my teacher voice as the other 7 kids around us just froze. When he was finally sitting down I smiled and told them to go to class lol.
Miss A is tired from school and hates having a day with nothing on. She is grumpy from the minute we get up so I know what my Friday will be like. If we have a meltdown it's likely to happen today.
Miss L is just her usual chirpy self. To get my attention now though she screams. Actually screams! The kids block their ears now and tell her to stop. Mostly I smile but I am trying to teach her to sign instead. Must get a video of this stage so I can laugh later, when my hearing returns.
So Friday is a mixed bag here...I envy those who spend the week looking forward to this day. To me it's like I hold y breath all day and just wait...
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