Well you can tell it's school holidays here when I haven't had a chance to sit down and blog...
A lot has been happening here and I for one and both looking forward to school going back and also apprehensive.
School holidays are busy here as Andrew is home and we take time to get things done. I always start with a list and it never gets finished. This break though was about paperwork. Miss L had to get accepted by disability services so I filled out a massive form for that. Then for her new service provider there was a 30 page form... Centrelink joined in the fun and said we had to renew the Carers Allowance for Miss A and that was a 10 odd page form with a medical report attached. Then to complete the 30 pages for respite I had to get workers insurance which my current provider didn't offer. So a ring around of other insurers and now we have to swap our home and contents insurance over just to have a respite worker here!@@#%$%
The joys of having special needs children ;)
Over the holidays I have spent so much time with the kids just playing and being around them. Miss A only started therapy this week and Miss L last week. Which meant we had a Christmas break and the girls had play time. For Miss L I never really stopped therapy as such but I stressed less about what she does. I forget how much pressure I put on myself to make sure she is doing everything right and learning while playing. Over the break she is talking more and we thing the word "mummy" is actually for more or when she wants something. Mum mum and Dadda are usually for us. She still hasn't said her first word yet as nothing is really connected. For example she can say baby and mummum but she uses them for multiple things.
Practising her climbing while waiting for her speech appointment
Clever me can sit on a chair and pull out my hair clips.
Miss A has loved holidays and having everyone around to play with. She doesn't like changes in routine and being bored so she has done well so far. Every night before bed she asks what we are doing the next day. For the majority of the holidays she has worn leggings or leotards. I don't know if it's the sensory side or if her joints are hurting her. Either way wish me luck when it comes time to put her school uniform on her. Miss A is quite behind in her speech and communication. For a girl that likes to talk that can be easily missed. She finds it difficult to sit and listen and then speak. She very rarely sits still and even sitting and holding herself on a chair is a big task. Her core muscles are not very strong and her balance is compromised. So the speech, physio and OT are all planning on ways to help her when she starts school.
Leggings and a leotard....
Mr J has been so much fun to have home this holidays. He loves quality time and often seeks me out while I am trying to read or have time out. "You ok Mum?" he'll ask. So sweet and thoughtful. This holidays has also been about him getting time with us on his own. Play dates without the girls coming and fun stuff with just Mum or Dad. So hard to do normally. He even enjoys going food shopping with me. He tells me what is on my list and how much it costs and enjoys the whole process. He has been going to swimming lessons this past week to help him get over his fear of the water too. He has been a water baby from birth but when he slipped under the water last year while jumping to Daddy he has been very scared. So proud of him this week as he splashed and played after swimming lessons. No fear, no clutching me just freedom!
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