Thursday, July 19, 2012

I will eat you....

A is going through this darling new phase of aggression. If she gets angry at me she bares her teeth and then comes out with a clacker:
so far I've heard
I will put my leg on yours and squash it
I will bite you
My finger will poke and poke you
I will cut you

Today while eating lunch out at the shops she bared her teeth so I did it back. She kept going then started growling. Then she inches her head closer and closer to me until our foreheads are touching. Next thing you know she is trying to push me backwards! Oh I was trying so hard not to laugh.
For her it's a good way to get out her aggression without hurting herself or anyone else.
Let's hope the next time she does it I manage to keep a straight face...

A chewable bracelet used to release frustration, hasn't worked so far as it's not pretty enough.

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