Monday, July 9, 2012

Changes we made...

Following on from the last post this is more about the changes we had to make.

We had to budget and stick to it. No impulse purchases or shopping for the fun of it. I had to really control my impulse of "oh we need that" so I'll buy it. Even buying the need items like clothes became a hassle. I used to buy the kids clothes online in big orders and have them ready for the next season. This didn't happen this year. I put a layby on for winter clothes and paid it off week by week but really it was barely 1/3 of what they needed. I bought school uniforms from KMart and Big W as I couldn't afford school prices. I started going to second hand shops and looking online for cheap clothes second hand. Don't forget though when buying online there is always postage costs to consider.

I used to take A to the shops as an outing. She always liked having something to do and the shops are great fun for sensory seekers. We used to go buy a pizza roll at Bakers Delight and have a walk around and occasionally buy something even if it was just a headband or something small. That became too hard when you have zero money and you are watching your petrol as well. I found it so hard to say no to the kids even if was only something small they wanted. Especially if they were Mummy doesn't have the money today.

A was attending private 3 year old kindy and we paid $50 a week for 2 sessions. We then had to consider whether we could even afford to keep going with it. The problem being if she left her place was then gone and it wasn't simple to get back in. Kindy was on my list of priorities for A and it would have been one of the last things for me to cut. She had learnt so much from them and it was such a positive place for her.

As for play dates and outings I had to learn how to say no or suggest something different. No more paid play centres outings. $12 entry and a coffee became a bug hurdle. If it was nice weather I would suggest a park or ask to come to my house. Otherwise there were a few times I simply had to say no. Most of my friends had no idea what was going on as I was too embarrassed to share.

For dinners we used to have take away once a week and this was cut out. Even cheap pizza night was out. We used to make our own pizzas and often I would freeze meals so those nights when you wanted to buy dinner there was something to eat. Baked beans is always a favourite back up of the kids :)

We had no out of school activities and we had stopped swimming lessons for the term as we couldn't afford to re enrol. Bad timing but it couldn't be helped.

For my husband and I the little things became the big things. The biggest sacrifices were made by us. I didn't buy either of us new clothes and if I did need something I bought it second hand. No more lunches bought at work by hubby or a morning coffee. No more lets go for a drive on the weekend or family outings. We didn't visit anyone and he couldn't go meet friends at the pub. He was asked to go to a footy game once and he couldn't do it. Those things became so upsetting and stressful. When having no money means having no life.

It would have been so much easier if we had family support and a lot of this would have been avoided but it was not meant to be.

I sincerely hope that whatever happens in the future I will be able to look back and this time and feel proud of what we did and how we came through it.

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