Friday, June 15, 2012

The frustrations...

Frustrated the word sounds like it feels. Lately I have been getting frustrated over so many things and I guess today it spilled over. Today I was told something that really pissed me off. Like since when do you control the universe? Why do I now have to explain something to someone because you have an issue? Hard to understand I know but I don't want to say more. I get frustrated by adults that act like children. Like tit for tat. Or I can't control that so I will control this or them. People need to take a step back and look at the long term. The damage they are dong is no ones fault but their own. Miss A is turning 4 in a few weeks and I have barely had time to start organizing the party but I do know this- I will not be worrying about who will or won't be there. Miss A is making the list of who will be there and so far it contains nearly every friend J has from school lol. This is a party for her so I'm letting go of all the politics and concentrating on making it for her. My frustration over a car that doesn't work has been boiling over and being left to wait. And wait, and wait. It takes a minute to make a phone call and if in my busy life I can call you you can take a minute to call me! I got the car back today with all new parts- I hope at 5:30. Pity they said 2 at first. My frustration over how slow therapy moves. Miss A has overall had a pretty bad week and it brings us all down. I have less time to fit therapy in for Miss L. Poor Mr J is pushed down the list and my patience is worn thin. I want an answer for why she isn't getting quality sleep. I want techniques to work on how to stop her running away and being naughty. I want respite care. My frustration over waiting on answers for L. We see the neurologist at the end of the month but it's been months since we heard the diagnosis and we still know no more. I get asked often if we had heard anymore but no we are frozen in time at the moment. It feels like the frustration has been hanging over my head for some time and it buit up this week. I am now hoping as we move forward I have more positive things to look forward to. Miss A will soon be 4 and school holidays are only a few weeks away. Fingers crossed the weeks coming are a bit calmer.

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