Sunday, February 2, 2014

Happy Birthday

So tomorrow is Andrews birthday. We don't have the best record for our birthdays in this house (the adults). I always go over the top with the kids with talking it up, letting them pick ideas for presents and in general making them feel special. Birthdays were never a big deal when I was a kid even though I just wanted to feel special. So as an adult I am changing that tradition. For Andrew his birthday is always at the start of school or just when he returns to work. Over the years as the kids have gotten older I have made sure they are involved for each others birthday. They generally make a card or help me pick something. Presents aren't about money or value they are about showing you care and you know the person.

This year after seeing the random present Andrew got from his parents (Chemist gift pack of unknown aftershave and deodorant) I wanted to make sure he felt special on his day regardless of gifts....
I took the 2 big kids shopping and told them some things that Andrew wanted and they picked what to buy. Miss A in particular was very logical and thoughtful. I mentioned Daddy might need a new belt and she said she thought so too. She didn't want people to see his bottom so she picked 2 belts just in case. I cracked out laughing right there in the shop while she looks at me like I'm the nutter. Mr J saw a nice wallet and said he liked that one. I said don't forget I got Dad a new wallet for Christmas and he said I no but when he makes lots of money he will need 2 wallets to carry it all in. It's stories like this that make the present special. I love that they're at that age when we can let them reason and choose.

Now tomorrow on his birthday we will see what he thinks of his presents and I must remember not to publish this until then :)

So to Andrew...have an amazingly happy birthday and I hope you feel special and loved on your day.

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